Gain quick insights on protein quality to assist in assay development
该白皮书 - 连续反应优化实验的快速分析 - 讨论了如何优化化学反应。
The white paper - Rapid Analysis of Continuous Reaction Optimization Experiments - discusses how to optimize chemical reactions.
了解更多 关于结果检查和优化实验设计方法的内容,可以阅读我们 ASMS 2009 的海报。
Learn more about reviewing results and refining your methods by reading the ASMS 2009 poster.
由于每天都有不断增长的数据生成, 研究者们需要更加智慧的数据处理办法来更加有效地整理和优化实验数据。
Because of the ever increasing amount of data to manipulate on a daily basis, researchers must find smarter data management approaches that enable them to effectively correlate and optimize their data.
We help you to optimize your protocols, cellular assays and analysis routines to maximize success rates and data output. ? Home
该选项允许将优化实验作为一个单独的应用程序输出。 输出模型中的OptQuest优化? x
在同一年,而在研究访问的牛津大学,他写道优化实验设计 这是发表在杂志皇家统计学会 。
In the same year, while on a research visit to Oxford University, he wrote Optimum experimental designs which was published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
High quality AlN single crystals with typical hexagonal crystal habit were obtained by optimizing growth conditions.
A simulation experiment of single-objective optimization regarding unburned carbon in fly ash was carried out and the feasibility of the result was analyzed
Results By optimizing the experimental conditions PCR-SSP methods for detection of the 8 alleles were established and the distributing data of above-mentioned HLA DRB1 were obtained.
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The company also has several catalyst hydrogenation microreaction evaluation device used for the selection of catalyst and evaluation on the activity in the preliminary period during the research and development.